
Play at play.dangomc.com.

Server Information

IP Address
Ranking #884of all Java Edition servers.
#966ranked globally.
Status Offline Offline for 7 months.
1.9.x  -  1.20.x
DangoMC supports every Minecraft version, starting at version 1.9.x, up to version 1.20.x.
DangoMC has been online 90.97% of the time during the past 14 days.
Votes 0 1 all time.
Rating No reviews received yet.
Country United Kingdom
Updated April 14, 2024
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Welcome to DangoMC, your premier destination for an unparalleled Minecraft experience! Nestled in the vibrant gaming landscape of the United Kingdom, we pride ourselves on offering a diverse and immersive network that caters to every type of player.

At DangoMC, we boast a rich variety of gameplay modes designed to keep you engaged and entertained for hours on end. Embark on a thrilling solo adventure with our OneBlock world, where you'll experience the excitement of survival condensed into a single block. Or, if competitive combat is more your style, dive into the adrenaline-pumping action of KitPVP, where skill and strategy reign supreme in fast-paced battles. And for those who crave the strategic depth of faction warfare, our Factions realm awaits, offering a dynamic environment for alliances, conflicts, and conquests.

But that's not all! Our dedicated team of developers and moderators ensures a seamless and enjoyable experience, with regular updates, events, and features to keep the excitement alive. Join our thriving community of players, forge new friendships, and embark on unforgettable adventures together.

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Premium Server

PaloozaCube Logo
0 players
Java Edition
Version 1.21.x

What is the IP address of DangoMC?

Connect to the DangoMC using the IP address play.dangomc.com to join a community of 0 other players!

What gamemodes can be played on the DangoMC Minecraft server?

Explore a variety of game modes available on DangoMC, including Factions and KitPvP.

Where can I vote for DangoMC?

Cast your vote for DangoMC on our dedicated voting page! Simply enter your username and submit your vote to show your support.
As a token of appreciation, you might receive in-game rewards on DangoMC upon voting.

What is the website for the DangoMC Minecraft server?

The website for DangoMC is https://dangomc.com.

What is the Discord server for DangoMC?

Join the DangoMC Minecraft server's Discord community by clicking on the invite link: https://discord.com/invite/hH7Z28pwFf.
Upon joining the Discord server, be sure to read their community guidelines and rules.