Total Anarchy

Play with 9 other players at

Server Information

IP Address
Ranking #70of all Java Edition servers.
#75ranked globally.
Status Online Just now.
Players 9 / 50
1.9.x  -  1.21.x
Total Anarchy supports every Minecraft version, starting at version 1.9.x, up to version 1.21.x.
Total Anarchy has been online 99.34% of the time during the past 14 days.
Votes 127 128 all time.
Based on 4 reviews.
Country United States
Updated March 22, 2025
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🔥 Welcome to Total Anarchy - The best Anarchy Minecraft server in 2024! 🔥

🌐 Server IP:

👾 Anarchy at Its Finest:

• No bans, no limits - let your imagination run wild on this Java-based Minecraft anarchy server!

• Hack like a pro, with only kicks for attempts.

• No bans, just mutes for hate speech, hard slurs, or chat spam. Hate speech and hard slur symbols/text will be removed. Our vibrant community thrives without such negativity. We have a chat filter but Microsoft chat report is off.

🕹️ Pure Vanilla Thrills:

• No plugins altering the vanilla essence, no meddling admins - the power is in your hands!

• Griefing? Absolutely, let loose in this survival wasteland!

• No resets, ever. Embrace the chaos from day one, just like the golden age of vanilla Minecraft.

🌍 World Exploration Awaits:

• Uncover a sprawling 3x3 million block world border.

• Respawn within 500 blocks of 0 0 - rediscover your path or forge a new one, redefining your survival journey!

• A nether roof awaiting exploration and exploitation.

🚫 No Teleports, No Shortcuts:

• Embrace the vanilla purity - no /tpa or /home commands.

Server IP:

🎮 Unleash the mayhem, embrace the anarchy, and savor Minecraft in an entirely new light! 🎮

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Premium Server

Zodiac Craft Logo
4 players
Java Edition
Version 1.21.x

What is the IP address of Total Anarchy?

Connect to the Total Anarchy using the IP address to join a community of 9 other players!

What gamemodes can be played on the Total Anarchy Minecraft server?

Explore a variety of game modes available on Total Anarchy, including Anarchy, PvE, PvP, Raiding, Survival and Vanilla.

Where can I vote for Total Anarchy?

Cast your vote for Total Anarchy on our dedicated voting page! Simply enter your username and submit your vote to show your support.
As a token of appreciation, you might receive in-game rewards on Total Anarchy upon voting.

What is the Discord server for Total Anarchy?

Join the Total Anarchy Minecraft server's Discord community by clicking on the invite link:
Upon joining the Discord server, be sure to read their community guidelines and rules.