SMP Tubba

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Server Information

IP Address
Ranking #1218of all Java Edition servers.
#1329ranked globally.
Status Offline Offline for 3 months.
SMP Tubba has been online 90.97% of the time during the past 14 days.
Votes 0 2 all time.
Rating No reviews received yet.
Country United States
Updated September 8, 2024
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Welcome to SMP Tubba, the ultimate Minecraft server where adventure and teamwork go hand in hand! Gather your friends and embark on a thrilling survival journey filled with endless possibilities. In SMP Tubba, you’ll explore a world enhanced with new features that take your gameplay to the next level.

Key Features:

Backpacks: Carry more with custom backpacks that allow you to store all your essential items as you explore, mine, and battle your way through the wilderness.

Enhanced Enchantments: Discover a wide range of new enchantments that will empower your gear, giving you the edge in combat and helping you survive against even the toughest mobs.

Silk Touch Spawners: Take your base building to the next level! Use Silk Touch to relocate spawners and create custom mob farms, ensuring a steady supply of resources for you and your team.

Whether you're building a massive fortress, exploring dangerous caves, or simply surviving together, Survival Plus offers a rich and dynamic experience that will keep you and your friends coming back for more. Join us and see how long you can survive in this enhanced Minecraft world!

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Premium Server

Lost Outpost SMP Logo
0 players
Java Edition
Version 1.20.3

What is the IP address of SMP Tubba?

Connect to the SMP Tubba using the IP address to join a community of 0 other players!

What gamemodes can be played on the SMP Tubba Minecraft server?

Explore a variety of game modes available on SMP Tubba, including Economy, MCMMO, PvP and Survival.

Where can I vote for SMP Tubba?

Cast your vote for SMP Tubba on our dedicated voting page! Simply enter your username and submit your vote to show your support.
As a token of appreciation, you might receive in-game rewards on SMP Tubba upon voting.