Chill Smp

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Server Information

IP Address
Ranking #1006of all Java Edition servers.
#1103ranked globally.
Status Offline Offline for 1 month.
1.2.x  -  1.21.x
Chill Smp supports every Minecraft version, starting at version 1.2.x, up to version 1.21.x.
Chill Smp has been online 89.58% of the time during the past 14 days.
Votes 0
Rating No reviews received yet.
Country Australia
Updated August 8, 2024
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Some important things:
Killing people
For the first 24 hours from now, it's not allowed following normal rules, but after 24 hours there are no rules against it.
(Farming people nonstop and killing nakeds is frowned upon and I will hunt you down with shadow realm sticks 🥰

The end
The end is closed temporarily for the first week , then portals will open at some time when the majority of people can be on, winner takes the egg.

Griefing hacking etc
Get banned stay mad

At the moment I will see how we function with current staff team, might open mod/operator apps at a later point if need be

If there's anything else it will pop up here over the next few days but no pings since I already did quite alot.

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Premium Server

Nestorcraft Skyblock Logo
4 players
Java Edition
Version 1.21.x

What is the IP address of Chill Smp?

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What gamemodes can be played on the Chill Smp Minecraft server?

Explore a variety of game modes available on Chill Smp, including Anarchy, Survival and Vanilla.

Where can I vote for Chill Smp?

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