
Play at dcfac.uk.to.

Server Information

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IP Address
Port 19132
Ranking #6 of all Bedrock Edition servers.
#172ranked globally.
Status Online Checked 6 minutes ago.
Players 0 / 75
1.18  -  1.18.x
Divine supports every Minecraft version, starting at version 1.18, up to version 1.18.x.
Divine has been online 99.63% of the time during the past 14 days.
Votes 2 20 all time.
Based on 1 review.
Country United States
Updated January 23, 2022
Server not claimed This server was uploaded from another source and has not yet been claimed by the server owner or administrator. If this is your server, login to your account to claim.


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Let me introduce you to Divine (DCPE), A server that would make sure you have an astonishing time playing!
Here are our features that would amuse you :
➤ Lag Free Server with Helpful and Friendly Staffs
➤ 75+ Custom Enchants
➤ Warzone and PvP Mine
➤ Envoys
➤ King Of The Hill
➤ Generator + Auto Generator
➤ Economy System ( 4 Currency ,Transfer , Convert , Progressive Earnings ,etc )
➤ Donor Rank Upgrade Paper (Obtainable via crates, cryptics, lucky relic)
➤ Hunt Rewards (Money, Exp, Elixir, CE-EXP, Glory) + Includes Hunt Wands
➤ Mining Rewards , Pickaxe Ability , Boosters, Charity, Autosell
➤ Key Pouches, Crates, Artifacts, Lootboxes etc
➤ Effect Orb & Abilities + Berserker Ability (NEW!)
➤ Enchant Shop via /elixir
➤ Vote Rewards , Vote Events & Vote Shop
➤ Vote Party
➤ Gkits (Craftable with Shard/ Crystals)
➤ GiveAlls ( From /expshop )
➤ Auction House
➤ Kit Manager ( Kit Shop , Timed Kits and GKits )
➤ Spawner , Working hoppers and Sell Wands
➤ Mob Coins + Shop ( /mshop )
➤ Quests
➤ Drop Parties ( At warzone and spawn )
➤ Faction Top Rewards
➤ Gems (4 Different Types of Gems)
➤ Rank Up & Level Up System
➤ Withdraw , Coinflip , Private Vaults, Tags, Brag, CustomCraft (Shards,Dusts,Infusion), Tinker, Enchanter, Rename etc
➤ Rank Shards (/scrap) Turn your Donor Rankupgrade into shard to create a new Unidentified Donor Rankupgrade!

More info? Run /guide in server or simply ask staffs. They would be more than happy to help you

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Premium Server

沅林群组 Logo
39 players
Java Edition
Version 1.21.x

What is the IP address of Divine?

Connect to the Divine using the IP address dcfac.uk.to to join a community of 0 other players!

What gamemodes can be played on the Divine Minecraft server?

Explore a variety of game modes available on Divine, including Economy, Factions, Prison, PvP, Survival and Vanilla.

Where can I vote for Divine?

Cast your vote for Divine on our dedicated voting page! Simply enter your username and submit your vote to show your support.
As a token of appreciation, you might receive in-game rewards on Divine upon voting.

What is the website for the Divine Minecraft server?

The website for Divine is https://bit.ly/dcpe.

What is the Discord server for Divine?

Join the Divine Minecraft server's Discord community by clicking on the invite link: https://discord.com/invite/ndGGaH3.
Upon joining the Discord server, be sure to read their community guidelines and rules.