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IP Address
Port 19132
Ranking #46 of all Bedrock Edition servers.
#767ranked globally.
Status Offline Offline for 2 months.
StupidCraft has been online 90.97% of the time during the past 14 days.
Votes 0 1 all time.
Based on 1 review.
Country United States
Updated January 23, 2022
Server not claimed This server was uploaded from another source and has not yet been claimed by the server owner or administrator. If this is your server, login to your account to claim.


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Are you tired of Minecraft servers that add too many features to their survival experience causing the gameplay to become too overwhelming? Are you looking for a Survival Server without any Pay-to-win quirks or lag? Well then StupidCraft is for you.

What is StupidCraft?

StupidCraft is a Semi-vanilla Minecraft server started back in 27th March 2020, started by jbob3mm with Triassic’s and Ifkov’s help, our goal has been to provide an enjoyable and unforgettable Minecraft experience. We achieve this by having a great community where everyone is welcome, you can make new friends here, we have optimized the server as much as we could and still add new optimizations to this very day to make sure the experience is as smooth as possible, we also have a great staff team that listens to the player base.

Server Features

- Homes, Warps and Player Teleportation
- Party and Friends System
- Spawn Zone
- Combat Zone
- Multiple Quality of Life changes that do not affect gameplay too much.
- Tree Felling and Vein Mining
- Anticheat that works great for both Java and Bedrock players.

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Premium Server

Respawn SMP Logo
4 players
Java Edition
Version 1.21.x

What is the IP address of StupidCraft?

Connect to the StupidCraft using the IP address to join a community of 0 other players!

What gamemodes can be played on the StupidCraft Minecraft server?

Explore a variety of game modes available on StupidCraft, including PvP, Raiding, Survival, Vanilla and Cross-Play.

Where can I vote for StupidCraft?

Cast your vote for StupidCraft on our dedicated voting page! Simply enter your username and submit your vote to show your support.
As a token of appreciation, you might receive in-game rewards on StupidCraft upon voting.

What is the website for the StupidCraft Minecraft server?

The website for StupidCraft is

What is the Discord server for StupidCraft?

Join the StupidCraft Minecraft server's Discord community by clicking on the invite link:
Upon joining the Discord server, be sure to read their community guidelines and rules.