
Play at mc.bustablock.net.

Server Information

IP Address
Ranking #184of all Java Edition servers.
#194ranked globally.
Status Online Checked 2 minutes ago.
Players 0 / 50
1.2.x  -  1.21.x
BustAblock.net supports every Minecraft version, starting at version 1.2.x, up to version 1.21.x.
BustAblock.net has been online 100% of the time during the past 14 days.
Votes 2 2 all time.
Rating No reviews received yet.
Country Australia
Updated March 12, 2025
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Our Hybrid Setup

Our server is setup as a hybrid server the players build on a Skyblock world solo or in groups. but there's a
Survival Resource World that resets weekly, This is easily accessed with /res or the portal at spawn.
The benefits of this weekly resetting world is that we can get all the new content without resetting or wiping
all the player builds.


Fishing is a core part of our server fish are used to craft every main tool enchantment.
This is why we have spiced it up with over 50 new fish
across 5 rarity's and included leader boards.

Summary / Things of Note

Our server makes use of a resource pack ( its not forced ) but is Strongly recommended playing without it
will not be much fun many things will appear odd or as paper.

Craft able Spawners
Repair Kits
Mob Catcher
Custom enchantments
1 New block
Player settings
Community Quests
Leader Boards

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Premium Server

ParadiseSMP | Factions | Economy | Shops Logo
10 players
Java Edition
Version 1.21.x

What is the IP address of BustAblock.net?

Connect to the BustAblock.net using the IP address mc.bustablock.net to join a community of 0 other players!

What gamemodes can be played on the BustAblock.net Minecraft server?

Explore a variety of game modes available on BustAblock.net, including Survival, Economy, Survival, PvE, Quests and SkyBlock.

Where can I vote for BustAblock.net?

Cast your vote for BustAblock.net on our dedicated voting page! Simply enter your username and submit your vote to show your support.
As a token of appreciation, you might receive in-game rewards on BustAblock.net upon voting.

What is the website for the BustAblock.net Minecraft server?

The website for BustAblock.net is http://www.bustablock.net.

What is the Discord server for BustAblock.net?

Join the BustAblock.net Minecraft server's Discord community by clicking on the invite link: https://discord.com/invite/wMY4PxWsZ5.
Upon joining the Discord server, be sure to read their community guidelines and rules.