The Tangles

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Ranking #423of all Java Edition servers.
#467ranked globally.
Status Online Checked 9 minutes ago.
Players 0 / 42
The Tangles has been online 99.79% of the time during the past 14 days.
Votes 0 422 all time.
Rating No reviews received yet.
Country United States
Updated September 5, 2024
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The Tangles is a new Minecraft RPG server! Battle through dungeons with your allies for unique rewards, explore the shattered world of the Tangles in the cataclysmic aftermath of a rogue god's meddling, and navigate the twisted political realities of the strange and varied factions you will encounter, all with one overarching goal: becoming as strong as you can be.

Outfit yourself and your allies with the best bracelets in the game as a Watchmaker, brew exotic and mundane concoctions for any situation as an Alchemist, create facsimiles of life and servitude as an Artificer, trace ancient symbols onto paper for magical and unexpected effects as a Scribe, or simply keep everyone fed as efficiently (and tastily) as possible as a Cook! Or, you know, just fish all the time and call it a day.

Exploration can reveal things such as new quests, jumping puzzles, minibosses to battle (and later rechallenge for unique loot!), riddles, and hidden archery targets, all of which give unique and massively-empowering consumables or equipment to make your adventures in the Tangles more and more the way you want them to be.

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Premium Server

Lost Outpost SMP Logo
1 players
Java Edition
Version 1.20.3

What is the IP address of The Tangles?

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What gamemodes can be played on the The Tangles Minecraft server?

Explore a variety of game modes available on The Tangles, including PvE, Quests and Roleplay.

Where can I vote for The Tangles?

Cast your vote for The Tangles on our dedicated voting page! Simply enter your username and submit your vote to show your support.
As a token of appreciation, you might receive in-game rewards on The Tangles upon voting.

What is the Discord server for The Tangles?

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