
Play with 3 other players at play.nex.sh.

Server Information

IP Address
Java Edition Cracked
WheatMC is a 'cracked' Minecraft server, which means you do not need a premium Minecraft account to join.
Ranking #389of all Java Edition servers.
#434ranked globally.
Status Online Checked 1 minute ago.
Players 3 / 2024
1.13.x  -  1.21.x
WheatMC supports every Minecraft version, starting at version 1.13.x, up to version 1.21.x.
WheatMC has been online 99.85% of the time during the past 14 days.
Votes 0 3 all time.
Rating No reviews received yet.
Country Netherlands
Updated July 24, 2024
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# **WheatMC Community**

## Join the Best Minecraft Community!

**Searching for a fresh Server releasing not a long time ago?** Welcome to **WheatMC**, where you can show your true skills, while also having fun playing minigames at the same time!

📢 **What we offer:**
> - **We use our own server hosting**: We use our own server hosting with 24/7 uptime and nice specs(**Ryzen 5950X**) so we give players a lag free experience and make them enjoy minecraft!
> - **Active Management**: We have really friendly staffs and members so feel free to chat in the server!
> - **Communication**: Members can use their own language to chat with other but the main language spoken in the server is english.
> - **Fair Play**: No pay-to-win – it's all about your skills and strategy.
> - **Version**: Our Server runs on purpur 1.20 with tons of plug-ins and add-ons!
> - **Maps**: We have maps created with the help of our players
> - **Servers**: We have two servers **LifeSteal** and **Survival**

> 📢 **MiniGames/GameModes we have**
> - Vanilla
> - Survival
> - SkyBlock
> - Bedwars
> - And More...
> **🌐 Our Social Links:**
> **YouTube:**https://youtube.com/wheatmc
> **Discord:**https://discord.gg/HZF6FUcv4E

**Don’t miss out!** Join WheatMC Community Today

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Premium Server

Twenture | Survival, SkyBlock, PvP, Towny Logo
85 players
Java Edition
Version 1.21.x

What is the IP address of WheatMC?

Connect to the WheatMC using the IP address play.nex.sh to join a community of 3 other players!

What gamemodes can be played on the WheatMC Minecraft server?

Explore a variety of game modes available on WheatMC, including Economy, Jobs, MCMMO, PvP, SkyBlock and Survival.

Where can I vote for WheatMC?

Cast your vote for WheatMC on our dedicated voting page! Simply enter your username and submit your vote to show your support.
As a token of appreciation, you might receive in-game rewards on WheatMC upon voting.

What is the website for the WheatMC Minecraft server?

The website for WheatMC is https://store.nex.sh.

What is the Discord server for WheatMC?

Join the WheatMC Minecraft server's Discord community by clicking on the invite link: https://discord.com/invite/HZF6FUcv4E.
Upon joining the Discord server, be sure to read their community guidelines and rules.