Ranks Minecraft Servers 2025

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In Minecraft servers, ranks are used as a way to give players access to certain commands, worlds and items. As ranks can often be earned, it gives players something to work towards. Every server has it's own way of giving/rewarding players ranks, with the most popular ways involving playing a certain amount of time, buying them with in-game currency or by completing challenges. Exclusive ranks can often also be bought in server stores with real money. A player's rank will be visible in the chat and player list, and sometimes even syncs with the server's Discord server. Browse the best Minecraft servers using ranks down below!

All Ranks Minecraft Servers

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The most awesome Minecraft servers out there!

ServerHoppers Logo
0 players
Java Edition
Version 1.21.x
Zodiac Craft Logo
9 players
Java Edition
Version 1.21.x

Looking for the best Minecraft servers to play on? Join these awesome Minecraft servers for guaranteed fun!