
Play with 2 other players at

Server Information

IP Address
Ranking #53of all Java Edition servers.
#57ranked globally.
Status Online Checked 7 minutes ago.
Players 2 / 2024
1.17.x  -  1.20.x
Neostralis supports every Minecraft version, starting at version 1.17.x, up to version 1.20.x.
Neostralis has been online 99.54% of the time during the past 14 days.
Votes 125 9,404 all time.
Based on 3 reviews.
Country Germany
Updated September 22, 2023
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Deine Reise beginnt in Hochfels, einem entlegenen Bergdorf. Die Bewohner helfen dir, indem sie dir kurz das Wichtigste erklären und dich mit dem Heißluftballon in die Hauptstadt Iakania schicken. Dort steht dir die ganze Welt offen: Lasse dich in einer der vielen spielergebauten Städte nieder und errichte dort dein Zuhause. Deine Mitbewohner helfen dir und spenden dir Items. Oder wage dich in die Wildnis und mache dir selbst die Natur untertan. Erforsche unsere 120,000 Blöcke weite Custom Welt, kartiere unbekanntes Gelände und loote hunderte Dungeons! Wähle eine Klasse und einen Beruf, wodurch du nützliche Fähigkeiten erlangst. Oder verfolge spannende Questreihen, durch die du weitere Geheimnisse der Welt von Neostralis lüften kannst.

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Besuche folgende Seiten für weitere Informationen:
→ Unsere Website:
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→ Dynmap:

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Premium Server

IllusiveMC Survival Logo
0 players
Java Edition
Version 1.21.x

What is the IP address of Neostralis?

Connect to the Neostralis using the IP address to join a community of 2 other players!

What gamemodes can be played on the Neostralis Minecraft server?

Explore a variety of game modes available on Neostralis, including Economy, Jobs, Quests, Roleplay, Survival and Towny.

Where can I vote for Neostralis?

Cast your vote for Neostralis on our dedicated voting page! Simply enter your username and submit your vote to show your support.
As a token of appreciation, you might receive in-game rewards on Neostralis upon voting.

What is the website for the Neostralis Minecraft server?

The website for Neostralis is

What is the Discord server for Neostralis?

Join the Neostralis Minecraft server's Discord community by clicking on the invite link:
Upon joining the Discord server, be sure to read their community guidelines and rules.